For The Best Stoves Choose Breckwell Stoves

In the early 1980’s two entrepreneurial minded individuals,  employed in what was then a struggling lumber industry, joined forces with a view to manufacturing and marketing the ultimate in pellet stoves. They did so having already established a corporate umbrella for the project, National Steelcrafters. These two individuals, Al Breckel and Dave Wells, also joined part of their surnames together to name their products Breckwell Stoves when, in the late 1980’s, they had created and tested the first pellet stove insert. Today, in terms of their products, the company offers the marketplace four quality and distinct types of stoves as well as their own vacuum product. In terms of their highly valued customers, they offer full technical support, excellent warranties and, generally, fully responsive customer support.

  • In line with their first beginnings the company offers a range of eight different pellet stoves.  These stoves are fueled by little pellets formed from sawdust and other timber by products. The owner of the product is guaranteed to enjoy the all consuming warmth and  homely flames common to wood stoves. A completely smoke free product with the added functional benefits of automatic ignition and self feeding. Furthermore, as the pellets are CO2 neutral there is no harmful greenhouse gas effect associated with product.



  • As well as specific pellet fuelled stoves the company also offers what it calls the Heartland Multi-Fuel Heater. This enables pellets to be used as the fuel or, alternatively, whole shelled corn. It comes with the tradition based styling a customer would expect. The easy to operate, competitively priced stove offers genuine value for money.


  • The range of Breckwell Stoves doesn’t end there, though. Three different wood stove options are available, too. It is possible to choose either a free standing version or a fireplace insert one. With a glass door, automatically always clean, there is a captivating view to be had of flickering, dancing flames. In short, these are  efficient, warm, clean burning, top quality wood stoves.


  • To complete the full range of stoves on offer there are two types of gas stoves to choose from. With two out of three homes in the US opting for gas stoves it is not surprising that Breckwell offer two of their own splendid versions. Their Direct Vent Gas Stoves product enables the stove to be placed practically anywhere in a home without the use of a vertical chimney. Whether used in a kitchen, bedroom, living room, dining room, or even a mobile home, the direct version is ideal. Ideal because, above all, it does not pollute and degrade air quality due to the technicalities involved in the venting system. Air goes directly into the system and exhaust goes directly out all via an inner pipe.

Finally, in terms of stoves, there is the option of the B-Vent Gas Stoves. Based on a natural draft system this stove is easy to install and use and is comparatively inexpensive. Yet it still retains the quality craftsmanship Breckwell is famous for.

To comprehensively round off and complete the product range there is a company produced ash vacuum to help in stove maintenance upkeep. It is suitable whether pellets, wood or corn is used as the main fuel. It has a rust resistant tank with a capacity of 6.5 gallons.

It is evident, then, that since the early 1980’s the entrepreneurial enthusiasm and diligence of two partners has evolved into the formation of a quality stove manufacturing and marketing company. A company focused specifically on stoves yet, through its broad range of pellet, multi fuel, wood and gas of offers available, capable of satisfying any discerning prospective customer regardless of style and type preferences. And a fully responsive technical back up and customer support availability elevates the company, Breckwell Stoves, to the higher echelons of the industry.

An Overview And History Of The Quadra Fire Company

Quadra Fire is an innovative company that produces clean, alternative-energy home heating products. They are committed to producing state-of-the-art hearth and heating products that are highly efficient and eco-friendly. Quadra Fire products consistently win awards for their groundbreaking use of technology to produce environmentally friendly, clean burning stoves and appliances. In addition, the company is lauded for its close partnerships with homeowners and builders as well as its outstanding treatment of and investment in employees.

  • The company began as a response to the new regulations on stoves set in place by the EPA. While many wood stove producers either quit all together or began to look at catalytic combustion as a solution to the regulations, Quadra Fire founders Alan Trusler and Dan Henry decided to go a different route. They devised a system where the stoves would burn and re-burn gases and smoke in four separate zones without using catalytic combustion. This was a breakthrough for the wood-burning stove industry as it was one of the first non-catalytic stove models that was clean and energy efficient. In 1986 the duo patented the innovative Quadra-Burn system.


  • Over the years, Quadra Fire products have continued to increase in popularity due to their easy-to-use, environmentally friendly home heating products. In 1990 the company introduced automatic, self-burning pellet appliances that had the added benefit of heat exchange and fuel feed systems for cleaner, more efficient heating. 1993 saw the release of high-efficiency gas burning stoves made of porcelain and in a range of colors. In 2006 Quadra Fire began producing stoves with the Load, Light, Live technology, which made their wood-burning stoves easy to use and extremely effective in heat output. Today, they continue to produce high quality products from their state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Colville, Washington.


  • Some further examples of the unique, forward thinking technologies of Quadra Fire include Automatic Combustion Control, a system that regulates the airflow in the hearth for better heat and efficient and clean burns. The FireBrick Technology uses a patented material made of ceramic fibers to produce the heat and light of a wood-burning fire without the mess of ashes and noise of a fan. And the Zone Heating system allows users to redirect heat to the places in the home that need it most, allowing homeowners to save money and energy.


  • Products by Quadra Fire have also been officially lauded by organizations that recognize innovations and advances in design and technology. In 2003 the Quadra Fire model 7100 won the prestigious Best New Hearth Product at the Vesta Awards. Three years later, the Vesta Awards again honored the company for their Advanced Energy (AE) Mt. Vernon Insert, which won Best New Hearth Product, and the QFP44 model, which won Best Gas Fireplace. In addition, out of all the non-catalytic wood stoves tested by the EPA, Quadra Fire products are the cleanest burning.


  • Quadra Fire is a member of Hearth & Home Technologies (HHT), a company that is dedicated to producing, developing and installing quality hearth products. The brand produces a range of products including stoves, inserts, fireplaces, mantels, outdoor products, accessories, and more. The stoves are mainly made from high quality steel, with design and style in mind. In addition, they are durable, reliable, and easy to use. And of course, each stove comes with the advanced Quadra-Burn technology to ensure that there are low particulate emissions, yet high efficiency and increased heat output.


  • Perhaps one of the reasons for the company’s success is its far-reaching vision, and close connection to the people who are most closely involved with the product. Partners at Quadra Fire seek out homeowners and homebuilders for advice, suggestions and new ideas. In addition, employees are called members, and are considered valuable assets for the company in terms of investment, leadership and creativity. In fact, Forbes magazine and Fortune magazine have both recognized HHT as one of the top companies to work for in the United States.

Overall, Quadra Fire is a company that uses advanced technology and high quality materials to produce products that are both attractive and environmentally friendly. They consistently win awards and recognition for their cutting edge, energy efficient, clean home heating products, and continue to come out with creative ideas for clean burning non-catalytic appliances. Furthermore, the company prides itself on its close relationship with the consumers as well as its strong commitment to the interests of the employees.

Top 10 Pellet Stoves 2012 – 2013

Top 10 Pellet Stoves

Here, you will find the top 10 pellet stoves for the 2012-2013 season. This listed is compiled from information gleaned from reviews and consumer websites throughout the internet so your search can be limited to one site. All of the stoves are a great buy, but some will offer you more than the others.

Rated #1

Harman Stove P68Harman Stove P68

For those looking for the best in pellet stoves, it is hard to top the Harman Stove P68. This is one of the largest pellet stoves on the market with a huge heating output of 68,000 BTU per hour. This stove is able to provide a heating area of greater than 2,200 square feet so you will be able to heat most homes quickly and easily. The 76 pound hopper makes feeding the stove easy. It is by far one of the most powerful stoves the company offers.

Testing of the Harman Stove P68 has found that the specs listed with the company for the input and output heating abilities is accurate. It was also found that the stove was easy to clean and easy to load. It stands at the head of its class of other stoves able to use pellet or wood. The cleaning itself is the size of the ash pan so that it can easily be removed and cleaned out for use.

The direct vent in the rear of the stove makes sure that the home does not fill with smoke. The 24” size of the stove allow for a more pleasant viewing surface while the exact temperature controls on the model make sure you can adjust the temperatures in your home to where you want them to be.

The capacity and the controls on this model are easy to use and provide more heat than most of the other models. Those looking for an easy to use model with great heating power will not do any better than the Harman Stove P68. This model only costs $3,900 which is more than made up by the quality and craftsmanship that will make this stove last well into the next century.

Rated #2

Napoleon NPS40Napoleon NPS40

The Napoleon NPS40 has the ability to heat a large area with the capacity to heat at least 2,000 square feet. The model makes it possible to heat using a 43,000 BTU per hour stove. Along with the heavy duty exchange tubes of a 1/8 inch thickness, the transfer of power allows for the heat to be moved throughout the home.

The ability to clean the Napoleon NPS40 is easy with an ash pan that helps to remove the ashes quickly and easily from the stove. The model includes the ability to distribute the pellets evenly to create a full appearance of flames so that the look is always one that provides light and warmth.

The stove has a four stage fail-safe system to protect you and your home from possible problems. The stove has a safety shut down whenever there is a power failure. There is also a switch for low air pressure. The limit switch offers the ability to get high temperatures. An over-ride switch allows you to easily turn on the automatic blower.

The automatic igniter allows you to quickly and easily turn on the stove and start burning the pellets. Pellets easily feed into the front of the stove so you can get the ease of use you need to heat your home completely. Just open the top and feed the pellets to get the heat you are looking for.

The access panel on the Napoleon NPS40 allows you to change the auger speed as well as well as a blower that provides variable speed. The controls in the access panel are easy to use and make the model fully capable to provide the heat and versatility you are looking or in your home.

There are no tools requires to be able to access the combustion chamber. Removing the burn pot easily allows you to maintain your Napoleon NPS40 making the $2,350 price tag on the model a relatively inexpensive price to pay for such an easy to use model.

Rated #3

Continental CPS40

Those looking for a dependable model for heating their home can find it in the Continental CPS40. This model offers the ability to heat quickly and easily using an input power of about 43,000 BTU per hour. This provides a heating capacity of about 2,000 square feet. The model is able to take advantage of a 55 pound hopper so there are plenty of pellets to heat the room for up to 55 hours. Loading of the pellets is easy to manage with the front loading method in the top of the stove. Maintaining the temperature in the home is easy to do with controls that are easy to access and use.

There are kits available for the unit to make outside air available. The stove provides the ability to clean easily with an ash pan that is the same size of the burner pot. Solid cast iron design for the burn pot helps in assuring that all pellets are combusted quickly for maximum heating power. An addition of a hopper extension allows you to add in 5 more pounds of pellets at any given time for an even longer burn time.

The solid appearance of the Continental CPS40 can by updated using various accessories. The above average size allows the room to be illuminated by the glow of the fire while the rear vent makes sure that there are no emissions within the room to worry about. This stove rates at the top of the list not only because of its ability to heat a room quickly and easily, but also because of its ease of use. Lighting and adjusting the model for better heating within your home is fairly self-explanatory.

Another great feature of the Continental CPS40 is the price. At $2,350, it allows you to get heat you can count on for long period of time. The model is easy to install and easy to maintain making it one of the better stoves for those with limited time to maintain the stove they depend on for heat during the winter.

Rated #4

Lopi LeydenLopi Leyden

The cast iron appearance is one of the first things you will notice about the Lopi Leyden pellet stove. This model makes it possible for you to receive heating power for a room up to 2,250 square feet. This is due to the 45,100 BTU per hour combustion that is possible within the stove. Maintaining the heating power is easy to accomplish with the 50 pound hopper capacity. Loading into the hopper is easy and convenient with a top loading method. A burn rate of between 1.7 and 5.5 pounds per hour provides you with the control you need to get more from your pellets.

By setting the Lopi Leyden pellet stove to low, it is possible to get up to 29 hours of burn time. The large glass size on the front of the model allows you to easily enjoy the appearance of the fire throughout the day and night. A large vent provides the ability to remove any emissions from the home while steady state efficiency allows the model to heat easily.

The controls on the Lopi Leyden pellet stove are designed to allow you easier control over the heat in the home. Simply set the thermostat and it will provide constant heat. A remote control allows you even greater control over the settings for your unit.

The Lopi Leyden pellet stove is easy to clean with a large ash pan that is easy to remove. Maintaining the stove is easy to accomplish with easy access to the internal parts of the stove. Automatic ignition and distribution makes the stove almost completely automated in function. The shorter burn time is made up for in the appearance of the stove and the ability to heat a fairly large area.

At $3,600, this is one of the more expensive stoves you can purchase, but it is worth the cost when considering everything you will be able to do with the stove. Additional accessories allow you to get even more out of the stove. Installation and maintenance make the stove an easy choice for just about any home.

Rated #5

Enviro EmpressEnviro Empress

Heating your home is easy to accomplish with the Enviro Empress pellet stove. The stove has a large 55 pound hopper to make it easier to take advantage of the 41,000 BTU per hour burn rate you are able to get out of the stove. It is easy for the stove to heat an area of 1,600 square feet with an adjustable thermostat for greater amounts of heat whenever it is needed. The loading method is rated as very good which allows you to get more into the unit through the 45 –degree drop tube.

The convection system inside of the Enviro Empress allows you to get better heat and distribution without having to deal with a lot of noise. The fan has a variable speed of 105 cfm so you can easily customize the way you are heating your home. The 400w igniter allows you to quickly and efficiently turn on the stove so you can start getting heat right away. The free-breathing firebox makes it possible to have an even burn while the cast iron brick liner makes sure that the heat is being contained and distributed properly.

Cast iron doors on the Enviro Empress allow you easy access to the burn box. While the front of the stove is closed, it has been rated with a 1.7 g/hr emission test. This, along with the 83.5 percent efficiency of the stove makes it a very good addition to your home and safe to have in just about any environment. The leveling legs assure that the stove will always have the ability to feed properly and to get an even burn so less of your pellets are wasted to failed combustion.

Additional options on the Enviro Empress make sure you can get the kind of stove you want in your home. Changing the color as well as adding on a fire screen makes it possible for you to have the stove you want. The price of $2,900 will go up slightly with the addition of certain elements, but it is still an affordable alternative when you are looking to heat your home.

Rated #6

Quadra-Fire CastilleQuadra-Fire Castille

Those looking for a traditional looking stove can find it in the Quadra-Fire Castille. This cast iron stove provides the warmth of a glass face along with the classic cast iron look many want in their home. The burning capacity of 34,400 BTU per hour makes it possible to get the amount of heat you are looking for out of the unit without wasting a lot of energy. The stove has the ability to heat an area of 1,500 square feet so even fairly large rooms can get the heat you are looking for. The 40 pound hopper allows you to keep the stove fired up for a long period of time. The feed system has a patented design to make sure it will not jam while it is operation.

Maintaining the Quadra-Fire Castille is easy with a firepot that is easy to clean. Simply remove the ash pan and you can quickly dispose of all ashes. The aluminum tube heat exchanger makes it easy for the heat to be distributed throughout the room. Controlling the amount of heat being pumped into the room is easy to accomplish with a wall thermostat that can be programmed as well as a remote to operate the setting for your stove.

The Quadra-Fire Castille uses a herringbone brick interior to maintain a hot firebox and provide better heat distribution. The three heat settings available on the model make sure you are able to get the amount of heat needed to maintain the heat within your home.

Additional features on the Quadra-Fire Castille make it possible to customize the appearance of your stove. You can use the classic metal or black if you like. Baked enamel finish allows you to get the appearance you want so you will be able to get the look you want for your home. Purchasing the Quadra-Fire Castille is possible with only the price of $2,700. Additional features make it possible for you to get the look and the heating methods that you are looking for in your home.

Rated #7

Summers Heat 55-SHP10LSummers Heat 55-SHP10L

If you are more concerned about the heating capacity than you are about appearance, you can get what you need in the Summers Heat 55-SHP10L. The box shaped appearance is offset by the heating capacity of the 40 pound hopper. The ability to heat a room of up to 1,500 square feet makes it possible for you to get the heat you are looking for in your home. The 38,000 BTU per hour capacity of the stove makes it possible to get the amount of heat you need to quickly and efficiently heat your home.

Maintenance on the Summers Heat 55-SHP10L is easy with the ability to keep a clean glass face on the stove. An air wash system makes sure that the glass will stay clean. Window trim allows you to get a unique look that adds to the basic design of the stove. Easy access handle on the front door allows you the ability to get into the firebox whenever you want to. The double auger system makes sure that you are able to get all of the pellets into the stove so the heat is available when you need it. The digital control board allows you to easily set the temperatures for your stove and makes it possible to maintain the function of the heat settings.

The 3” pellet rear vent allows you to easily remove all of the emissions from the home. The Summers Heat 55-SHP10L is rated as usable in a mobile home so you can use it in just about any setting you feel you want it. To make sure that the stove is EPZ friendly, there is an outside air kit that is included with the purchase price of the stove. Additional features are available when purchasing and installing the stove.

The Summers Heat 55-SHP10L is an economical choice with a price tag of only $1,300. Easy to install and easy to use, it is no wonder this model is favored by those with a small home living in colder parts of the country.

Rated #8

US Stove Company 5500m 120-lb Pellet HeaterUS Stove Company 5500m 120-lb Pellet Heater with Auto-Ignition

Those looking for a massive amount of heating time will get what they are looking for in the US Stove Company 5500m 120-lb Pellet Heater with Auto-Ignition. This pellet stove has a massive 120 pound hopper so you can go for days without having to feed the stove even at the maximum temperature setting. The 48,000 BTU per hour output provides a lot of heat so you can easily heat a large area of your home. The feed system inside of the stove makes it possible to use just a small amount of pellets at a time while providing a large amount of heat.

Added to the fairly easy to use function of the stove is the possibility to get help from the customer service section of the company over the phone. The stove is easy to adjust with the settings so it is possible to get the heat you want in your home throughout the year. The ability to use a variety of pellets provides even more versatility in the heating of your home. Simply adjust the stove and you can use the pellets you desire.

The US Stove Company 5500m 120-lb Pellet Heater with Auto-Ignition has a distinct look with the oversized hopper adding to the appearance of the stove. Arched design on the front of the cast iron stove provides a great accent while the glass face offers the ability to enjoy the light form the constant fire burning in the firebox. Automated burn and feed system makes it easy to simply ignite the stove and allow it to provide the heat you need in your home. Adjustable thermostat makes it possible to get the perfect temperature in your home throughout the year.

Even with the 120 pound hopper, the US Stove Company 5500m is inexpensive at only $1,500. Installation will require a bit of planning because of the additional weight the stove has. Used in a large area, this will provide the heat and appearance you are looking for in a serious heating unit for your home.

Rated #9

Deluxe EnglanderDeluxe Englander

Massive heating areas are no problem for the Deluxe Englander. This model has the ability to heat up to 2,200 square feet so you can maintain the heat throughout your home. The adjustable heating settings for the blower make it possible for you to get more out of the BTU power that the stove provides. The on-touch ignition is all you need to be able to get the stove started and to keep it burning for a while. Maintaining the heat for a longer period of time is possible with a 60 pound hopper and a double auger system you will not find in many other models. The steel construction adds to the strength and heating capacity of the system.

Settings are easy to set and adjust with the use of a built-in blower system and a control panel that has been upgraded. Set temperatures for your home and the stove can provide the heat you are looking for without worrying about emissions. Efficient burning makes the stove EPA certified so you can put the stove anywhere you want it. The 3 inch pellet vent in the rear of the stove makes sure that all of the emissions are being properly vented and that the home is getting all of the heat you need.

The appearance of the stove is easily enjoyable. Brass finish on a black stove allows you to enjoy the look it provides your home. Easy access front door makes the firebox open to you whenever you need it. Clear glass panel on the front of the stove allows you to enjoy the constant burn of the pellets and the warmth that the fire appearance adds to any room.

The maintenance of the Deluxe Englander allows you to fully enjoy the stove. Ashes are easily removed and the glass panel on the front of the stove is cleaned by the air blowing system inside of the stove. The $1,600 price tag makes this a very affordable stove for those looking for a powerful, and attractive addition to their home.

Rated #10

Hudson River SaratogaHudson River Saratoga

Those looking for a unique look and a smaller stove can find it in the Hudson River Saratoga. This small stove burns at a whopping 30,000 BTU per hour. It has the ability to burn for a total of 40 hours at the right setting which makes the small stove a powerful addition to any home. A 45 pound pellet hopper makes it possible for you to simply feed the stove and let it heat the home for almost two days. The heating radius for the model is about 1,500 square feet which is perfect for anyone looking to save on the amount of room they are using for a pellet stove.

Maintaining the temperatures in your home is easy and efficient with a digital soft touch control system. Simply set the temperatures you want and the 85.5 percent efficient stove can deliver what you are looking for. The brick interior helps to maintain consistent heat levels within the stove for better heating of the home. Keeping the model clean is easily accomplished through the sliding ash tray. Remove the ash tray and empty it to maintain the burning capacity of your pellet stove even longer.

The appearance of the Hudson River Saratoga allows you to have a stove unlike any other. Not only is the tall and slender appearance a fun addition to any home, the red and steel finish is unique. Using baked enamel for the red makes sure it will last even when burning at the highest temperatures. The stove also comes in black whenever you are looking for something a little more traditional. Because of the appearance, it can be added just as easily to a living room as it is in a modern kitchen. It is the perfect thing for those living in a small home or a flat that has been converted into a living space.

Adding the Hudson River Saratoga to your home is easy to do with a $2,000 price tag. While this is slightly higher than some of the larger models, you are paying for convenience and power in a small package. This pellet stove delivers with the ability to feed pellets into the firebox quickly and easily.



Top 5 Quality Brand Pellet Stoves

We all know the advantages of wood pellet stoves—they do not need to be refilled daily, they are eco-friendly, they heat by convection and are therefore safer for children, they use waste wood pellets as fuel, they do not require frequent daily cleaning and so on and so forth. If your pellet stove also comes with an automatic starter, thermostat and back-up battery power, then there can be nothing better to warm your home during those cruel chilled winter weeks.

It is not surprising then that pellet stoves are becoming increasingly popular. More and more people are opting for them over other methods of heating. As a result of this, many companies have come up with a huge line-up of wood pellet stoves. But not all of these companies sell quality products. For a new buyer, it can be confusing to decide which company to trust. To help such buyers, here is a list of top 5 quality brand pellet stoves —these are companies that have been around for a while and which know their business well. You can unblinkingly trust them for the quality of their products.

Harman Stove Company:

  • With an experience of 25 years, Harman tops our list of best wooden pellet stove brands. Harman stoves are built by experts and enjoy enormous popularity among consumers. Built with cutting-edge technology, Harman stoves have many modern features that make their usage simpler, easier and safer.


  • Quadra-fire, with its reliable, eco-friendly and easy-to-use products, comes a close second in this list. The company knows its trade well with an experience of two decades. If you sign up on their site, you get $100 off on your next purchase.


  • If you want an elegant simplicity in your stove, along with great quality, then Breckwell is a name you must seriously consider. The company offers a limited lifetime warranty on its products—which is an indication of the high-quality of its products. They have an experience of more than twenty years.

Lennox Hearth Products:

  • Established in 1994, Lennox Heart Products are based in Nashville, Tennessee and manufacture a huge range of indoor and outdoor fireplaces and stoves.


  • A brand of Travis Industries—the largest privately-owned stove and fireplace company in America—Avalon’s pellet stoves are decent and durable. You can be sure of the quality and customer support if you choose Avalon.

(Other honorable mentions: United States Stove Company, Enviro, Jamestown Pellet Stoves.)

While buying wood pellet stoves, keep in mind the size of the space to be warmed. Also, prefer an aesthetically-pleasing stove that suits the interiors of your house. It is recommended that you buy from the internet if you want to enjoy discounts up to hundreds of dollars.

Types of wood used in making wood pellets

There are many different types of wood which are used in the production of wood pellets for stoves and fireplaces along with numerous other things which can affect how they burn. Wood pellets are certainly energy-efficient as well as clean-burning, which is why so many people have stoves which work off of them. Since not all wood pellets are the same, it is important to take a close look at which types there are and what that means in terms of how they work in a stove. Everything from the moisture content to the ash content of the wood pellets can affect how one of these stoves function along with just how efficient they are.

  • The typical standard-grade wood pellets which can be found in most residential pellet stoves usually have an ash content which falls around 1-3 percent total. Premium grade pellets have an ash content which is closer to 1 percent and below. The higher the ash content of the pellets, the larger the residue is going to be after they have burned. This means that you have to do more maintenance on the stove in the form of cleaning after every use.


  • Another important factor to take into consideration when choosing certain wood pellets for your stove is the moisture content. Wood pellets that have low moisture content tend to burn very hot. You will find that the average moisture content for most wood pellets is between 5 and 10 percent total, according to the U.S Department of Energy’s statistics. The average moisture content of the average wood pellet is actually far better than a majority of fire wood which has an average of 20 percent moisture. This means that fire wood does not burn nearly as hot as wood pellets tend to.
  • There are also many different species of wood when it comes to these pellets, including both softwood and hardwood varieties. Hardwood and softwood pellets can both offer a very high heat content for every pound, as long as the overall moisture content is fairly low. Moisture content is without a doubt one of the most important things when it comes to choosing the right type of wood pellets for your stove at home. You will want to know that the pellets you get will be able to burn hot enough in the stove.
  • Additives are yet another factor which is crucial to consider when shopping for the right wood pellets. One of the other reasons why wood pellets are very popular for use in stoves in people’s homes is that they contain a very minimal amount of additives with a few natural exceptions such as lignin which is found in most wood. You will find that other additives such as petroleum or non-petroleum-based adhesives are included in different forms of wood in order to bind them.

Trace minerals are important as well, because they have been known to cause clinkering which is the accumulation of ash which can in turn easily clog up parts of the stove that need to be completely clear in order to function properly. For this reason alone it is important to consistently check the bottom of the bag for dust because it can help keep clinkering to an absolute minimum. Keep in mind that truly high-quality bags of pellets should no less than just half a cup of dust for every 40 pound bag. As long as you remember all of these things when going about purchasing your wood pellets, you should end up with the right ones to put in your stove so you can stay warm all winter long.




Brief History of the Pellet Stove

To this day pellet stoves are more common than you might think, simply because they use biomass materials for fuel and burn completely clean. Some of the different materials that these stoves use include corn kernels, sawdust, wood chips, and cherry pits which are eventually compressed into small pellets. Although these stoves are incredibly popular right now with the eco-friendly, they are by no means new. There is a very long and detailed history behind pellet stoves which dates back many years. The modern pellet stove as most of us know it however was first made back in the 1970s during the oil crises which was going on at the time.

  • During the oil crises of the 1970s, Americans were looking for fuel-efficient heating systems that would cut down or completely eliminate the need for oil. This is in turn how pellet stoves came to be. The original pellet stove was created back in the 1930s during the time of the Great Depression. The reason that these pellet stoves did not catch on very quickly and become used widespread is because of the fact that during the 20th century fossil fuels were in abundance so there was not a lot of demand for biomass heating systems like these stoves.
  • The primary reason that the modern pellet stove became popular is because during the 1970s, Americans had to start looking for more fuel-efficient ways to heat their homes as well as businesses. The pellet stove as we know it today was introduced as a way to burn recycled materials while giving off a significant amount of heat. Because pellet stoves are able to burn cleanly, they are extremely popular with those who are more eco-friendly than others. This means that pellet stoves create less carbon dioxide when they are used because of the fact that they burn recycled materials like wood chips and corn kernels.


  • Carbon dioxide is given off by many different things, including cars and various types of stoves which do not use recycled materials in order to work. This is one of the primary reasons for global warming, which is a gradual increase of the earth’s overall temperature due to the disappearance of the ozone layer. Pellet stoves started becoming much more popular in the 1980s, though their popularity did start to decline when the price of oil and natural gas started to go down.
  • The pellet stove started to enjoy more popularity in 2005 though, mostly because of the increasing energy costs. Pellet warehouses found themselves shorthanded due to the overwhelming popularity. When the pellet stove has been popular, it has almost always been because of demand which has been driven up because of increased energy prices. People are always looking for the best, cheapest, and most efficient way to heat their homes and businesses. Often times pellet stoves have provided people with a way to do just that.

From the time they were first created and introduced to the public in the 1930s to modern day, pellet stoves have always been a clean-burning and efficient alternative to oil and natural gas stoves. Today energy costs continue to increase, making the pellet stove more popular than ever before. Many people who value alternative energy sources favor pellet stoves because they do not harm the environment in the same way that many others do with the production of carbon dioxide. For now the pellet stove is enjoying a fair amount of popularity, mostly because of the fact that energy costs are still fairly high and with the state of the economy people are looking for any way to save money while still having an efficient heat source.

Pellet Stoves on the Rise

I have wanted to write a post about this for awhile, but just never got the chance to. Over the last few years I have started seeing more and more places selling wood pellets. What does that mean? Well simply it means that more and more people are using Pellet Stoves to heat their homes and for good reason. Pellet stoves are more efficient, cheaper, and a lot easier to use and maintain. Take a look at the picture below and you will see what sparked me to write this post about pellet stoves being on the rise.
There it was. As I walked up to the local Home Depot there was a huge with Wood Pellets for sale. The prices seem fairly reasonable. I wanted to go investigate a little bit more, but I had already got a late start to the day and had about a million other projects at home that needed to get done. I am not sure what quality or brand the pellets were, but I am sure they were just fine.
wood pellets

Well that is my 2 cents. It just seems lately everywhere I turn I am seeing more and more places selling wood pellets. Have you seen this or is it just me? Am I just obsessed with wood pellets? 😉

Best Pellet Stove Insert

Best Pellet Stove Inserts 2011


There are many different options when it comes to purchasing a pellet stove system for your house. One way to utilize the efficiency of a pellet stove without installing a new pellet stove itself is by installing what is called a pellet stove insert. This insert works with an existing fireplace in your home in order to provide heat for a room or even an entire floor. Pellet stove inserts are a smart choice because they burn cleaner, can have their temperature regulated and they use a blower system to heat a room.  They are also fairly easy to install, making them an affordable option for many people.

  • When a person is shopping for a pellet stove insert, it is hard to determine what system is best. There are many options to consider when choosing one for your home, such as the size of the room it will be in, the climate where you live and how easy it is to find and purchase pellets for your system.  Depending on the size of your fireplace, you might have a few more options than someone who only has a small fireplace to work with. No matter what size your fireplace is, though, there are a lot of benefits in going to the pellet stove insert you should realize when you are researching the products.
  • The benefits are plentiful, no matter what type of pellet stove insert you chose. The stoves burn cleaner and do not release any residue in to the air like a traditional fireplace will. When you have a fireplace, smoke, ash and any chemicals on the wood will be released in to the house, when the doors are open or just as the pollutants work through the screen and glass covering the fireplace system. A pellet stove insert has no releases in to the house because it uses an auger system to get the wood in to the burning part of the stove. Any emissions it has are sealed within the unit and travel up through the exhaust system (flue) and outside.
  • The heat being emitted from the unit is more controlled. With most fireplaces, you throw wood on it and it just burns. A hard wood log will burn hotter and last longer than a soft wood log will. However, once that log is burning, you have no control on how much heat it will release in to the room. When the fireplace has no blower system associated with it, the heat is only radiated out through the doors or open screen as it burns. The temperature could fluctuate up and down, with most of the heat going straight up the flue and being wasted. A pellet stove insert will capture the heat and send it all out through the blower at the constant temperature that the thermostat is set at. There won’t be cool periods or warm periods as a different log burns. The room will stay the same, regulated temperature because the pellets are being fed at a consistent rate through an auger and the blower controls the air going out.
  • Another great benefit of using a pellet stove insert over a traditional pellet stove is that it takes up much less space. A free-standing unit will take up several precious feet, no matter what room it is installed in. An insert simply attaches and works with a fireplace that is already in your home, requiring no new space. The stove part might stick out a foot or two, but it will usually rest on the existing mantle or tile in front of a fireplace. There won’t be a section of the room just for the stove, since it is built in to the fireplace and flue system in your room.

Fuel Options

  • With a pellet stove insert, there are also different options in some models on the type of pellets you can burn. There are wood, corn and even mixed style pellets which will work in many systems produced in the United States. In the Midwest, corn based pellets are popular because of the proximity of the corn fields planted in the region. Corn is made in to pellets that burn as hot and as consistent as wood pellets do. Wood pellets are easier to get and less expensive in the northwest and northeast region of the United States, where the forests are denser and logging is a main industry to support the area. Mixed fuel pellets are an option anywhere, since they combine types of fuel in an affordable pellet.
  • Pellets are considered to be a renewable fuel source for several reasons. Corn is quickly and easily grown every year. Making corn in to pellets also uses the waste products that are produced when corn is processed in to food or animal feed. Wood waste can also be used in the manufacture of pellets, so trees that are cut down are used for other items, but then the sawdust and waste and saved and used alone or in combination with corn to make a pellet for the stove. In certain cases, paper is even being tested as a pellet. The paper is taken from recycled materials or paper scraps that would normally not be used for anything else.

Size Options

  • There are many different sizes of inserts available, so you can choose one that will work with the opening currently in your home. And even if you only have a small fireplace opening, you can still get a pellet stove insert that is efficient and can heat the entire room or floor of your house where it is located. Smaller doesn’t mean less power when you are dealing with a pellet stove insert.  The small, medium and large sized units can all burn the pellets at the same set temperature. The only variable will be how large the hopper is and how often you will need to refill it with bags of pellets. Some small units have as big of a hopper as the large units do, so you might not even realize a difference.

Clean Burning

  • There is a little bit of ash residue when pellets are burned. That ash is collected in an ash bin located somewhere with the pellet stove insert, either on the side or the front bottom. Every few days or weeks, the ash bin should be checked to make sure it isn’t overflowing. To empty the ash bin, simply pull out the bin or drawer and dispose of properly outside. Once it is empty, you simply insert it back in to the unit and you can begin burning the pellets again.
  • Some units will burn less ash than others because of their clean design. The EPA has rated the units which burn cleanly, which then allows you to know how clean the air is that your family is breathing. Some models can burn as little as .4 grams per hour, while other models can burn 3 to 4.5 grams per hour. Fireplaces will also release ash and smoke in to the air, so any type of pellet stove insert will be cleaner than having a traditional fireplace open and burning in your house during the day.


  • A pellet stove insert is safer than a traditional fireplace for a couple of reasons. One listed above, is the lack of toxins being released in to the air with the screens and open door of a fireplace. Another safety concern is when there are children or pets in the home. A child can easily open the doors of a fireplace and get in to the open fire and get burned. With an insert, there isn’t any open flame where the child – or even a pet – can get to. The doors on the stove inserts latch and aren’t easy to get open by little hands.
  • A pellet stove insert is also safer for your house in general. How many times have you seen a fire in the fireplace, but there wasn’t a blower to send the heat out, so the doors were left open? With the doors open on a burning fire, you run the risk of having sparks fly out or logs roll off the rack as the burn and shift. A rolling log can cause burns to the rug or the carpet. Sparks can melt the carpet or the rug outside of the fireplace area as well. And both have the potential to start the house on fire if no one is close by and watching. Burns from sparks or rolling logs can also happen to people who are sitting close by and not necessarily paying attention to the fire.



Summers Heat 2000 SF Pellet Fireplace InsertSummers Heat 2000

This unit is very popular because it heats a large amount of space, up to 2,000 square feet, which is larger than the average sized home in the United States. This unit can be built to work with a pre-fabricated or a masonry (brick) fireplace, which are the most common two kinds of fireplaces.

The Summers Heat system has a hopper capacity of more than one bag of pellets, meaning on cool days you won’t have to keep loading up the system. It will burn for hours on end and provide a steady level of heat in to the room with minimal effort. There won’t be carrying in of logs all day and then opening the doors and risking a burn in order to add more fuel to the fire. When the pellets do need to be added, it is in the side of the system, away from the flame source.

  • Another reason why this unit is very popular is because it is one of the cleanest burning systems available. It is rated in the Top 20 Cleanest EPA certified pellet stove list. There are virtually no emissions being released in to the air of the house from the pellet burning unit. When there are small children in the house, you can rest assured that their lungs will be safe and protected from any toxins in the air.
  • The heat from the system can be controlled with a thermostat. There is also a blower with multi-speed fans to bring heat in to the room or floor you are working with. The air can be directed to any location of a room, but it will always remain steady with where the thermostat is set at.
  • The Summers Heat model is a great option for people who love to be environmentally friendly. The model is efficient and can heat a normal sized house efficiently with little effort other than pouring a bag of pellets in the hopper and walking away.

Lopi Pioneer Bay lopi-pioneer

The Lopi Pioneer Bay system works for up to 1,600 square feet for heating. The unit is very efficient and one bag of pellets loaded in can power the pellet burner for up to 35 hours without having to refill it. (Depending on the temperature and the region where you live, the hours may be considerably less). The unit has the ability to have a thermostat attached to it, so the temperature in the room can be regulated easily.

The Pioneer Bay model is very efficient and burns cleanly. There are very little emissions released in to the air surrounding the unit, meaning your family will be safe to breathe the air and not have any toxins invading their space.

  • The Lopi brand proudly claims their units are very green, since one bag of pellets can burn up to 35 hours, depending on how high the thermostat is set at. The pellets are a renewable fuel source, which doesn’t deplete supplies of gas or other fuels in the region.
  • Pellet stove inserts to produce an ash residue when it burns, but there is very little with each bag poured in the system. A large capacity ash pan is on the bottom of the unit that can be pulled out and emptied easily. When the ash pan is empty, it simply gets pushed back in to place to collect more ash when you burn pellets again.
  • This stove is a great option because the trim can be black, gold or even pewter in color to match the décor in any room. It takes up very little space as it attached to the front of any fireplace existing in your home and requires little other space.  This option is a great choice for modest sized houses because it is efficient and can produce heat for hours on end without having to refill the hopper all the time.

Quadra Fire Mount Vernon AE Insertmount_vernon

This pellet insert is popular because of its large size and intricate design. It looks like a fancy fireplace, but has the efficiency and smart design of a pellet stove insert. The Mount Vernon unit is 32” wide, making it only a practical solution for houses with large fireplaces built in to the kitchen or the living room of a house. The large sized unit can heat up to 3,075 square feet of a home or cabin.

A wall thermostat that works with the pellet stove insert can control the temperature by one setting. The temperature is raised or lowered by a digital thermostat, just like one associated with a traditional forced air furnace.  The Mount Vernon unit is popular because it has the option for the vent or blower to blow air upward, instead of just out the front, like what most other units have. If the stove insert is in a room with a ceiling fan, the air can be blown up and circulated easily through the house because of the fan.  For homes with multiple stories, it will also heat them evenly and easily with the vents facing upwards.

  • The unit can be black, gold or nickel plated to match the color scheme in any room of the house.  A log like ceramic structure can also be added to keep the look of a traditional fireplace within the front of the pellet stove burner.  For people who have large homes to heat, this is a very practical and smart option for home heating.


Harman P351Harman-P351

The Harman P351 claims to be the cleanest burning pellet stove on the market today. It has not yet been rated by the EPA, but the company claims the stove only releases .4 emissions when it burns, meaning it is very clean and efficient. Other models can release between 2 and 4 or higher grams per hour, so you can see where the comparison lies. There are virtually no toxins released in to the air around this pellet burner, because it is sealed tight as the pellets burn and produce heat for the home.

The P351 unit is compact and can fit in to small openings for pre-existing fireplaces. The P351 can heat up to 1,520 square feet, depending on the region where the home is located. Colder regions will heat the same amount of space, however, more pellets will be required to maintain the thermostat setting as compared to a moderate climate location. The Harman P351 will burn corn, wood and mixed pellets with the same consistency.  The capacity on this hopper is very large, as it will hold 62 pounds of pellets in the reserve system before it is measured in through an auger in to the burner.

  • A smaller model of the P351 is also available to heat a room or a home. The hopper size is smaller, with it only holding 41.5 pounds of pellets. Both the large and the small units require the same sized opening of 19.5 inches by 24 inches tall. The large model is great for homes located in the northern regions where snow and cold weather happen longer throughout the year. The smaller model is perfect for smaller homes or ones in areas that have mild winters where extended periods of high heat aren’t required.
  • The Harman also has a very quiet fan, making it perfect to place in a room where the TV is watched, simply because it won’t disturb anyone watching a sports game or a TV program. The unit can be placed in any room, the thermostat programmed and the hopper full and there will be hours of controlled heat for that room.  The Harman P351 is popular because it is reliable and easy to use.



Harman Accentraaccentra_insert


The Harman Accentra model is a large unit that produces consistent heat through a beautiful looking design that rivals a fireplace. The Accentra model has a window opening in the center that shows ceramic logs that actually look like they burn, simulating what a real fireplace looks like. The logs aren’t actually burning, but the pellets slide in behind the logs and burn.

  • The Accentra model is also popular because it can be installed in homes with zero clearance. That means, a chimney system isn’t needed when you have the special kit to convert the exhaust out of the house. You can take advantage of the heat produced within a unit without having a large fireplace already in your home.  The pellet insert stove can heat an area up to 1,400 square feet in size.
  • A large capacity hopped holds up to 57 pounds of pellets. The pellets can be corn, wood or a combination of fuel materials. The burn length will be between 20 and 57 hours, depending on the climate in your area and the temperature set on the thermostat.  Colder winter regions will require more pellets in order to keep the temperature up in a room.
  • A thermostat can control the temperature in the room easily. When the temperature from the room exceeds what the thermostat is set for, the unit will stop burning all on its own. The self-regulated system will not waste pellets and burn when it does not need to in your house.
  • An ash tray is located at the bottom front of the unit for easy clean up.

 A few more things before installing a pellet stove insert

  • Before you purchase and have a pellet stove insert installed in your house, carefully check the clearances you have within your chimney and what is required for the model you want to install. The clearances aren’t a place where you can improvise because the safety of your family could be at stake. The clearances are made so there is proper ventilation for the burning unit.
  • Another thing to do before a pellet stove insert is installed in to the home is to check with your insurance agent. Some homeowner policies will need to be adjusted when you go from a traditional fireplace to an enclosed pellet stove insert. You might get a break on your rates since the unit is enclosed and safer from fire danger because of pellets and not logs. The unit is also safer when there are children in the house, because there isn’t the risk of burns since there isn’t an open flame where they can get to. Therefore, damages against you from a burn to a friend or family member are less because the open fire is eliminated.
  • When you aren’t sure of what type of system will work best for your home, check with the authorized dealer who sells the product. They can give you the exact specifications for each model you are considering. They might even be able to suggest something else that you might not have even been aware of. There are lots of different options when it comes to pellet stove inserts, so there will be amodel to fit your needs. All you need to do is be able to find it and get it installed so you can have the regulated heat you are seeking from that fireplace opening.

If you have comments or questions please leave them below and we will get to them as soon as we can!

Pellet Stove Pellets

If you are in need of pellet stove pellets, then you will want to know where you can buy them from and how to get the best deal so you don’t spend too much money. Since there has recently been an increase in the number of people who are deciding to get pellet-burning stoves, there is a big demand for the pellets that fuel them. You can purchase these small pellets at your local bulk supply store, such as Sam’s Club or Walmart. Getting them in bulk is an especially good idea if you want to save money and have more for your stove. The last thing you want is to run out right when you need them the most.

Why Choose Pellet Stoves

One of the reasons that more and more people are choosing stoves that work off pellets is because the price of stoves that work from oil and natural gas is constantly going up. Anyone who wants to save on energy costs each month during winter will want to think carefully about whether or not they are in need of such a stove. The great thing is that most of the time you can find these pellets in 40 pound bags for a relatively low cost.

Certain stores sell these in sizes of around one ton for less than $200 dollars, so you will certainly want to look around and see what all of your options are before you decide on any one place to purchase them from. Remember that since you are buying a lot of them at once, you should be getting a reduced price. Bulk stores are popping up all over the country, and they carry all the supplies you will need for your stove, including pellets. Since they are becoming more popular, the prices are getting better and better because of competition between stores.

Calculating  How Much Pellets You Will Need?

Anyone who needs pellet stove pellets should know around how much they are going to need each season. While this number may vary depending on the stove you have, you can go through as many as three tons. This can average out to be almost $600, so it would be very wise on your part to find a store that charges the bare minimum for what you need. The good thing about these pellets is that you will be able to get low-quality ones for much cheaper than other kinds that really aren’t any better in terms of how they burn.

There are also plenty of places online that sells these pellets in bulk. You will be able to do a simple search on the internet and come up with multiple results to look through. Make sure you take all the time you need to find an answer to your pellet stove pellets problem. This way you won’t have to spend more than is necessary on your stove pellets. If you end up with leftover pellets at the end of the season it’s okay, because you can always use them next winter for your stove.

Harman Wood Pellet Stoves

You will find a wide variety of Harman stoves to choose from, and it is recommended that you take your time with deciding which stove would be right for your home. Most stoves that are sold by this company are extremely fast and efficient, so you can get them heated up and cooking as quickly as possible. Many people still like to buy old-fashioned stoves because of their charming ambiance and appeal. If you are one of these people, then it would be an especially good idea to decide which kind of stove you want.

Harman Pellet Stove Variety

  • Some of the different kinds you can choose from include pellet, wood, and coal stoves. Before deciding on one specific kind, it’s important to learn as much as you can about each before making a firm decision that involves spending a significant amount of money. If you are interested in buying a wood stove, then you will want to know what you have to choose from. The Oakwood stove for example, is a good choice for anyone who wants to keep their home warmed for the longest amount of time possible. It is a sturdy and efficient way to heat a home, far superior to many other stoves made by other companies.

Harman TL200

  • The TL200 is a great wood stove choice as well, simply because it makes burning the wood and heating the house especially easy. It makes burning wood extremely convenient, so you don’t have to go ridiculous lengths to get it heated up. With the top loader that is included with this particular stove, you will be able to fit more wood in at once than you ever imagined. This way you can reduce the number of trips you make to go get more wood to keep the stove hot. You will also be happy to know that this wood stove can turn into a nice little fireplace with a screen that is optional, so you can enjoy the heat and warmth it brings for hours on end.

Harman Tl300

  • Getting the TL300 wood stove is another great choice for anyone who wants wood burning to be simple and effective. You won’t believe just how convenient this method of burning is when you get it into your home. It too has a top loader that you can put a massive amount of wood in at one time to keep the fire roaring as long as possible. You will also be glad to know that this wood stove can hold as much as several weeks worth of ashes that burn 24 hours.
  • No matter what your choice is regarding the stove you want, you will need to make sure you get is exactly what you have in mind. The stove you put in your home should be convenient, easy to operate, and above all efficient in what it does. With all the choices offered by Harman stoves, you will be able to find something that suits your needs. You will also want to think about the type of stove you want in your home, because the more it blends in with the style of decorating you already have, the better it will end up looking.